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Barnes and Noble press carries Grani Hulda books! Free shipping on orders over $40 in the United States. Follow the links in the descriptions below.
It won't be long before your little ones recognize Grani Hulda and her adorable animal friends. The Learn About Paganism series provides varied and accessible knowledge for pagan kids, and there is a book for every Sabbat.
It's hard to find a children's book that matches your pagan traditions exactly. There are many ways to be a pagan, heathen, or witch. In these books, Grani Hulda teaches about popular holiday traditions for pagan and Wiccan families.
Even if Grani Hulda's traditions aren't just right for your family, it can be a great way to start a conversation about why you celebrate the way you do and the varied traditions used by other pagan families. Grani Hulda lets kids know that there are many ways to honor our pagan belief systems and we're not all the same.
The more we experience the natural world with our children, the more magick they can perceive in the universe. Even natural science facts are imbued with mystery and will make your pagan child want to learn more about everything.
Grani Hulda shares the secrets of the Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year, the Runes, Magic and Potions, Trees and more! Grani Hulda helps kids learn about pagan ideas and traditions. Visit Grani Hulda's author page on Amazon to see all the titles.
Grani Hulda loves the Wheel of the Year celebrations! Ostara is one of her favorite holy days. In this fun and magickal book, Grani Hulda celebrates Ostara by hiding eggs, having a fire, making Ostara baskets and creating an Ostara altar, and that’s just to start.
Grani Hulda celebrates Beltane with her little friend the fawn. They enjoy Nature, grow a garden, put flower crowns on their cows’ heads, have a fire and so much more! Full of bright colors and pictures of flowers, grass and trees and everything to do with Beltane.
Lammas is a wonderful time of year when the sun is still strong and the union of the Sun and the Earth has created abundance. Grani Hulda celebrates Lammas with another one of her little animal friends, the otter. They enjoy bringing in the harvest and taking a day of rest to feast with friends and family.
Mabon is a fruitful time of year—literally! This is the time of the Second Harvest and Grani Hulda is busy harvesting fruits and vegetables. The leaves are changing colors as Summer gives way to Fall and the colors are so beautiful.
This is the time of year when a lot of changes happen and we celebrate our ancestors and family members who have passed on. Grani Hulda is busy making potions and crafts. As the Earth and its creatures prepare for winter, Grani Hulda also makes plans to use this time to dream a new life.
Yule is a time for celebrating the return of the light and rejoicing with family and friends in the abundance of our world. Join Grani Hulda and her animal friend the goose and discover what it means to be a pagan at Yule.
Imbolc is a quiet time of year when the first signs of Spring appear. As we wait with excitement for the power of the sun to grow, we take a moment to honor the Goddess Brigid. Join Grani Hulda and her friend, the groundhog as they celebrate Imbolc.
Grani Hulda shares the meanings of the Runes with kids in a way that they can understand them. With the fun, bright pictures of animals and trees and Grani Hulda’s smile, even complex meanings are brought down to earth so young children can get a feeling for the Runes.
Magic wands and potions are fun to make! Grani Hulda shares some insights about using magic, making wands and brewing potions. Only good potions and good magic are promoted in this book for kids.
We often take trees for granted. Grani Hulda shares some of her beliefs about trees, tree spirits and the healing magic of trees, and hopefully, she encourages pagan kids to appreciate trees and their spirits a little more.
It can be hard to explain to your kids what it means to be a witch. If you're a witchy mama or a pagan papa sharing your faith with your little ones, you might need some help from Grani Hulda..
For toddlers and little kids who love learning and have grown fond of Grani Hulda, there is no better book to explain the sun, the moon, and the planets than this one.
Heathens are one of the most misunderstood groups of pagans. In this charming book about Heathens, Grani Hulda shows you how she views them: as honorable, virtuous, fierce, and strong.
Grani Hulda has loved learning how to use herbs since she was a little girl. Introduce your children to the magical world of herbs with Grani Hulda.
Join Grani Hulda and let her help you introduce pagan symbolism to your children. It's the start of a wonderful, magickal journey.
Grani Hulda wants to help pagan parents and grandparents teach their sacred pagan practices to their children. The Learn About Paganism series embraces the concepts most important to Grani Hulda:
The seasonal holidays are the perfect way to integrate all of these concepts to help children become one with our natural world. The importance of nature is a common pagan belief, and it is the best teaching tool. Mother Earth is available to us all year round. All we have to do is open the door and go outside!
Grani Hulda focuses more on holiday correspondences and modern traditions than ancient Celtic festivals or Norse culture. Whether you are interested in reading to your kids about pagan holidays or want to teach children about Norse culture, there is a book for young readers, and that's why Grani Hulda put together a further reading list of kids' books. Visit our Best Pagan Books for Kids page. There are recommendations for all age groups, including teens and middle-grade readers.
Grani Hulda's Pagan Resources page is packed with free printables that you can download, like Rune Worksheets and holiday pages to color. There are links to Grani Hulda's blog articles on topics such as Paganism In Our World Today and Herbs for Spiritual Protection.
For school-aged children at every reading level, Grani Hulda has pagan-themed learning units that pagan families can integrate with their pagan and Wiccan practice. Learning is fun, and pagan children will have a blast learning core curriculum standards while studying portals, crystals, and harvest festivals.
These lesson units aren't your typical children's textbook style of learning. Becoming a lifelong learner starts when young children take control of their own education.
Every themed unit is a fun-filled resource for young pagans, and you don't have to choose between holiday celebrations, your spiritual practice, and schoolwork. Integrate learning activities with Norse mythology, study ancient Egypt, make harvest cornbread, and research pagan symbols. When you bring magick and nature together with other holiday correspondences, you can make learning as fun and as natural as the wind blowing through the trees.
Pagan parenting is a unique path, and many of our ancient traditions have been lost. As we redefine our pagan society, we have many choices to make. There isn't a manual for raising children with pagan beliefs. Start with introducing your children to Grani Hulda's pagan kids books, and let the magick happen.
Read --->>> Samhain Dreaming, Pagan Homeschool Themes
Grani Hulda offers everything from Pagan Homeschooling Workbooks to free worksheets for your little ones. Visit the Pagan Homeschooling page for Sabbat themed homeschool units and access to free lesson plans.
Every Sabbat is a time for celebration, and one of the most common ways that pagan people celebrate seasonal holidays is through arts and crafts. Pagan children (and adults) will enjoy the activities that Grani Hulda presents on the resource page for pagan holiday crafts.
Numerous resources are available for crafting with kids, and Grani Hulda has put together craft activities associated with the Wheel of the Year sabbats. When you combine these activities with the pagan-themed homeschooling units, learning and comprehension are enhanced.
These activities are designed to get your kids out in nature and appreciate the magick of our world. Try bringing pagan arts and crafts activities together with a story for even more fun!
Head over to the Pagan Kids Holiday Crafts page to find activities for the Sabbats. This page is still under construction as Grani Hulda works to bring the resources you're looking for.
Created just for your pagan little ones, these are activity books filled with pagan themes.
Best for kids 10+, these coloring books are filled with pagan affirmations, perfect for young witches!
Blank journals with lined pages, featuring Grani Hulda, her animal friends, and Sabbat themes. For all ages.
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